Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

Wishing you a happy and safe Christmas! Thank you for being a part of the 18 FORE Life Family.

We have sent out $180,000 in love offerings this year with a grand total of $2.85 MILLION sent out since 2000. As long as there are people fighting cancer, we have more work to be done!

Please consider making a year-end donation to 18 FORE Life

Your donation makes ALL the difference and is 100% tax-deductible.

We just updated our donation page with Network for Good. We think it’s super convenient and hope you feel the same. Network for Good has been in this game for a long time and is a secure platform for online credit card payments. You can even set up reoccurring donations to 18 FORE Life on a monthly, quarterly, semiannually, and annually frequency.

Remember, ANY amount is appreciated and your donation will go directly to an individual/family in need of help during a time of struggle.

Please update your 18 FORE Life contact information

If you’re seeing this message, then at some point you signed up for our email newsletter. However, we just started using a new system with better tools that will help us stay in touch and keep you informed about what is happening with 18 FORE Life.

As our lives seem to move more and more online, we will be leaning on this method of communication heavily in 2021. We’re asking everyone to please click on the button below to update your information. You will need to input your first and last name and email address and, if you like, please include your cell phone number. We have big plans to incorporate text messaging soon. Thank you!

The Ben Kruse 18 FORE Life Foundation is a 501(c)(3) Public Charity and your donation is tax-deductible.


Scott Kruse